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The page below is an old version of my Business Plan for a New Political Party. Due to popular demand, I have updated the Plan considerably and put it into Kindle Format. You can buy it here.

Yes, it costs a bit of money. But the return on investment is enormous if you are serious about starting a political party.

Are you serious?

So, is Bootstrapping Possible?

I have tried to scrub the requirements down to the point where I and a few other similar activists could in theory launch a new political party. Whether such a party would have enough credibility and outreach resources to grow is a difficult question. I don’t claim to know the answer without more research.

On the other hand, with this requirement scrub in mind, it is possible that some major donors may opt to support a higher initial level from the start. It would be nice, but even if funds were available for an expensive jumpstart, prudence dictates attempting the more frugal growth model and holding these funds in reserve. Unexpected expenses may arise, and some areas may need a focused nudge.

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Starting from Scratch
The Low Hanging Fruit
Finding the Early Adopters
Name and Theme
A Local Agenda
Geographic Focus
Holding Things Together
Minimizing Overhead Costs
So, is Bootstrapping Possible?
My Plans to Date
Why Third Political Parties Fail
The Constraints Third Parties must Obey to Succeed
A Strategic Framework for Third Political Parties
Lessons Learned in the Libertarian Party