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You want government out of your personal life. On the other hand, you want more government in your economic life. This puts you closest to either the Green Party or the radical wing of the Democratic Party. You might even consider yourself a socialist, or a “true” communist (as opposed to the “state capitalists” who ran the old Soviet Union).

Fun Reads for Radical Liberals

Imagine being able to party on and have the government foot the bill. Woohoo! Sounds like a good theme for a utopian novel, and yes, I have quite a few for you. You will have to look in two places. For an emphasis on partying on, see to social liberal utopias. For an emphasis on the government paying the bill, see the economic leftist utopias.

Campaigns, Parties, Organizations

Two green parties to choose from:
The Greens/GPUSA Green Party of the United States

Democratic Party


The Progress Report The Progress Report

The Good Government Reading List

Regardless of your core political values, this list of books on law, economics, politics, and social problems should add useful items to your mental toolset.

Click on an image to go to the Amazon order page. Note that the latest versions of these works may differ in cover from the images, as many of the images are pics of my personal copies.


This is a short list. I have more recommendations on economics, law and political philosophy, and mass domination for those who are interested. (The linked pages include reviews of my recommended readings.)